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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Start a new YEAR - Organized and with Discipline in mind

Even if you don't have a business,

DISCIPLINE is a critical every day task you have to stay focused on!

It's discipline with your
  • TIME - organizing your work day !
  • GOAL SETTING - you aim for productive working hours
  • STAYING FOCUSED - keep looking at that target you have in mind or rather better build a Vision board, post it in your office;
  • see this wonderful blog my friend wrote on this: Vision Board for 2009 goals and focus
  • PLANNING: have a plan for your business; with the economic time changing so drastically, you got to have a secondary plan to make your business successfully reach its objectives.


Friday, January 16, 2009

More on - The Secret to Finally Paying Debt Quickly

Yet in the preparation of TAX season, I would like to share more information from a source I trust.

If you’ve struggled with debt for any amount of time, you know how it can feel like you’re in a big black hole, you just can’t seem to dig yourself out of. Balances never seem to go down and you need to keep tapping into credit cards just to make ends meet.

There is plenty of debt advice out there and you may have tried things like debt consolidation, making large payments to your debts to try to pay them faster and other methods that just don’t seem to work. Things just keep getting more and more difficult to manage.

But it really doesn’t have to be that way…

If you’ve been able to keep up with your minimum monthly payments until now, there is a solution for you. And it’s remarkably simple if you follow the appropriate steps laid out for you.

I’m talking about the “Pay Debt Quickly Kit” that shows you how to:

- Pay debt off faster without having to make any large payments.

- Get what you want from your creditors to pay off your debt faster and even improve your credit score.

- Make drastic changes in the way you think about and handle money without feeling like you’re deprived in any way.

The kit includes everything you need to get to debt-free faster. From software that helps you quickly and easily calculate your precise debt-free dates to strategies to take control of your finances and even work with your creditors so that you benefit, instead of them – this kit has what you need to eliminate your debt.

Learn more & get debt-free at:

Everything is available for instant download and you don’t have to wait for anything to come in the mail. That means you can start sleeping better and stop worrying about your debt, starting RIGHT NOW.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tax Planning- It's never to Early to talk About

It's a new year, it's a new goal, for some of us a new life style should start, maybe a new job or business venture to start;
Even so it's never to early to talk about taxes, tax planning and saving strategies.

Get an account to help you with your small business tax, it's worth to get one at least for the first year or 2. Read more in this article.

Check this out, it might help you to prepare for tax season!

Tax Planning- It's never to Early to talk About

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Free yourself of your DEBT Rather SOONER then LATER

I find it amazing on how much I learned lately from my networking group;

I like to share some of the strategies I learned from them and see results with.

A few days ago, I wrote about the Pay Debt Quickly Kit - that includes the tools and teaches you the strategies you
need to become debt free faster than you may have imagined.

Still struggling with that debt? This is a question you might hear it again and again, and it could be rather annoying!

Right now, one may feel like there is no way out of the situation they are in, but if you shift focus on what can do about it then getting overwhelmed,you'll find there is a solution out there for any situation.

Start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, detach yourself of the problem and start following professional advise.

The good news is, you can start seeing that light today and the tunnel is not nearly as long as you might have thought.

Just take a few moments to learn about the program. All the details are presented in this link:

The system allows users to pay their debts of quickly without having to:

  • Make any large payments to the debt.

  • Get a second job.

  • Make any big lifestyle changes.

  • All that is required is that people using the system are able to meet their minimum monthly payments.

  • The system allows users to save tens of thousands of dollars and pay their debts of years faster.

  • By using the software, they can calculate the precise date each bill will be paid of and when they will be debt-free.

  • No financial expertise or training is required to make the system work.

Products are always refundable and if you don't think you learn from it contact the admin of the company.

I love any piece of information that is saving me money or teaching me strategies to improve my financial situation.

Monday, January 12, 2009

News For Picasa Users

I got into using Picasa 3 for my photos, I still have to learn a lot, I figured out a few things in my own and keep going; recently I run into this on their Web blog and for those that I know - using Mac - this became available for you.

Picasa news

I hope this helps a few of my friends out there!

Learning to finance a startup Business

I wasn't always a business owner and, after all I like to share my experience with you about this long/short process. Don't be afraid of running out of time, be diligent and persistent.

No matter how great and unique your idea for a new business is, or what business are you buying or taking over, you won't get past the starting gate without funding. There are many ways to find money, but most are generally more appropriate for most established companies. Still, there are some smart tacks for start ups; there's money out there if you get creative. Here's a look at some options:

1. Bootstrapping. - the translation for"Bootstrapping" is - using whatever resources you have on hand to help you get your business to the next level.

Entrepreneurs spend an average of close to $70,000 - $75,000 to start a business, and most of that money is provided by the small-business owners themselves. I am talking about my own experience here

Where do entrepreneurs find the money? While most part comes from personal savings and home-equity loans, they also tend to use (plastic), Credit Cards heavily. Possibly, half of all start ups are funded by the owners' credit cards. Also, if you dare, get into your pension plan, I did!

2. Raise money from relatives - Friends and family come handy. At the very early stages of any start up, entrepreneurs also tend to raise money from relatives, colleagues and other people they know well.
Usually, friends family financing is informal; you probably don't have to write a business plan for the transaction. But, no matter how well you know your early investors, it would be wise to draw up a contract to prevent any misunderstandings down the road.

3. Borrow from Banks. For most start ups, getting a traditional bank loan is a long shot, especially in today's economy. That's because banks typically will only consider companies that have been in business for two years, at least. I don't have to go on about my personal story, we were turned down by some exactly for the reason I am going to mention in a minute here. Above all, they need to see a tangible asset that can be used as collateral. The bank is going to loan money based on your ability to pay out, and they're more likely to finance something that has greater value and a history of great performance.

4. Also try SBA - Small Business Association. One possibility is to apply for a loan guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). A bank is less reluctant to take on a company with an SBA guaranty. Even with that seal of approval, you may still have to pledge your home/personal property as collateral.

5. Look for Grants you might qualify for. There are tons of information on the web, just be very selective who you start working with. You can order one of those kits and try yourself or you can find someone that write grands as a profession and help you with the application. If your venture is a technology business, you might be able to apply for a Small Business Innovation Research grant (SBIR).
That is a federally funded program mandating that certain agencies set aside part of their budgets to fund fledgling high-tech companies with interesting inventions they want to commercialize.
There also are a limited number of government grants for women and minority-owned businesses as well. One really good thing is: Competition for this money is steep. So, if you apply for the grant and win it, it's helpful for attracting funding from other investors.

6. Use Venture capital. Simply put, Venture Capitals rarely invest in start ups or even early-stage companies. Still, if your company already has a track record and promises high returns, it's worth a shot.
Learn about the service as it involves some sensitive issues. Your best bet is to use your network to find a referral. Then, make sure you have an great business plan put together. You also have to be willing to give up control over major decisions and/or to sell your business at one point in time.

7. Find "Angels". If you're further along in your development - you have a management team and, preferably, a product or service on the market that's of a high interest - you can try angels. They're private, high net-worth individuals who generally invest anywhere from $50,000 to $2 million in companies.
Who are they? most likely former entrepreneurs themselves, angels can offer not only money, they also can provide expertise and useful contacts.

How to find them? One avenue is to approach the growing number of angel clubs. These groups of private investors meet regularly to hear brief presentations from entrepreneurs seeking money and then, often, give money jointly to companies. to find them see link on this article!)

It's always important to do some research and document yourself on your options, your opportunity and use those professionals to get help from. Get expert tips, links on...
* Accounting and finance
* Entrepreneurial women, minorities, kids, more
* Global business
* Government regulations
* Green business
* Hiring and managing
* Legal issues
* Marketing
* Raising money
* Real estate
* Start up
* Technology

When it comes to Credit Cards, tread carefully. If you use them up to the maximum and create a huge debt and damage your credit rating, once your credit is shaky, it'll be hard to get further funding.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Watch for the "for immediate press Release" source

First Experience

I received some "For Immediate Press Release" e-mail not long ago, for my own business, the historic inn.

I looked it through, i read it again and again and, at the end they were asking for some money for the Plaque to be printed and shipped to us. But $70 bucks is $70 bucks and I then started investigating how legit the e-mail was;

  • I called them, and as a result they e-mailed me back saying all communication should be in writing, OK
  • I confronted them, saying that now one knows about them, not BBB, not my Association which is WIA -stands for WI Innkeeper Association, and so on
  • I have seen a post about the award on other businesses blogs on (which is free for anyone) that might make you think: WOW, this is a nation wide recognition award, you should be "somebody"!

What I'm saying is even they looked legit, when, I think you should investigate a little further with some official sources, even if they asked you for money or not, but since they are not in your state, which was the case with me, it's worth the time.

Here is the co. info

Sincerely, Ashley Carter Selection Committee Chair U.S. Local Business Association p.s. If the links are not working in this email please copy and paste the following URLs into your browser: Award Order Form: Press Release:

Their web loo

ks like anyone can put that page together and more like they are in the framing business.


Second experience

My second experience with that was again, still about the hotel and I could verify the source, they posted all their link, phone number, address and all that, they were so more upfront and coming forward with who they are.

BY the WAY - they NEVER ASKED FOR money, rather they gave me a few links where I can post the Press Release for FREE.

It was free to participate and subscribe too.

Here is part of their message:

"Please give this Press Release to your PR Department for publishing. If you don't have a PR Department, you may use the following resources to get your Press Release exposure:

  • local newspaper editors
  • local business journal editors
  • local radio stations
  • local TV stations
  • local lifestyle magazines
  • post it to your web site's "Press" or "News" page

For maximum benefit, you also should publish your release at press release websites. When you do this, it will be picked up by regional, state,

and national publications and may even lead to feature stories and special interest articles written about your property. Best of all . . . many of these online Press Release Sites are FREE! Included in this email at the bottom of the page is a list of online Press Release Sites."

They sounded really excited for me!

The latest in eliminating debt!

The Secret to Finally Paying Debt Quickly

If you’ve struggled with debt for any amount of time, you know how it can feel like you’re in a big black hole, you just can’t seem to dig yourself out of. Balances never seem to go down and you need to keep tapping into credit cards just to make ends meet.

There is plenty of debt advice out there and you may have tried things like debt consolidation, making large payments to your debts to try to pay them faster and other methods that just don’t seem to work. Things just keep getting more and more difficult to manage.

But it really doesn’t have to be that way…

If you’ve been able to keep up with your minimum monthly payments until now, there is a solution for you. And it’s remarkably simple if you follow the appropriate steps laid out for you.

I’m talking about the “Pay Debt Quickly Kit” that shows you how to:

- Pay debt off faster without having to make any large payments.

- Get what you want from your creditors to pay off your debt faster and even improve your credit score.

- Make drastic changes in the way you think about and handle money without feeling like you’re deprived in any way.

The kit includes everything you need to get to debt-free faster. From software that helps you quickly and easily calculate your precise debt-free dates to strategies to take control of your finances and even work with your creditors so that you benefit, instead of them – this kit has what you need to eliminate your debt.

Learn more & get debt-free at:

Everything is available for instant download and you don’t have to wait for anything to come in the mail. That means you can start sleeping better and stop worrying about your debt, starting RIGHT NOW.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

My experience on the web

It seems like I had a slow ride to discovering making money on the net.

Initially I got into the manual traffic exchange, I was having time then, - IT'S FREE to sign up but you have to have the time OR - if you don't have the time and have the money,...then you can buy credits, impression and all that.

Then, I learned the blogging, I am working on my own web page to design for my motel business,
I am having so much fun with all this, believe me!

I also learned to use the net to monetize.

  • The 1st step was to set up a PayPal account - I find it easy to use, there might be other alternatives out there, and really, - whatever works for you, as long as is SAFE
  • Second, is to set up with the advertisers and get a publisher ID. It is easier to do it with some the some others and just take your time. -Most popular are AdSense ( with Google), Amazon, EBay, Kontera. To sign up is free of charge.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The latest on Yahoo groups

HEADS UP Yahoo users
Yahoo is tracking group members

Just got this from another YahooGroup owner and thought I would pass along the information:

Yahoo is Tracking Group Members

If you belong to ANY Yahoo Groups - be aware that Yahoo is now using "Web Beacons" to track every Yahoo Group user . It's similar to cookies, but allows Yahoo to record every website and every group you visit, even when you're not connected to Yahoo .

Look at their updated privacy statement at

About half-way down the page, in the section on cookies, you will see a link that says WEB BEACONS . Click on the phrase "Web Beacons . " On the page that opens, on the left find a box entitled "Opt-Out . " . In that section find "opt-out of interest-matched advertising" link that will let you "opt-out" of their snooping . Click it and then click the opt-out button on the next page . Note that Yahoo's invasion of your privacy - and your ability to opt-out of it - is not user-specific . It is MACHINE specific . That means you will have to opt-out on every computer (and browser) you use . Please forward this to your other groups . You might complain, too, but I'm not sure if anyone is listening . I remember when they signed all users up to get spam and we had to opt out of that a few years ago .

Please send this to anyone or any group you would like .

Everything you want the Smart, Green (Paperless) Way

I hear so many times people asking "What to Blog about?"

You can blog about anything, your life, your class, your pets, your latest travel experience, and moreover, when you have a business, you can share lots of good things about the business, special promotions, extras; Free advise, or a Free tele-class you want to offer.

Here are some tips for; see what community is suitable for you, your business or the purpose you want to market certain products.


Free advertising
  • Clasiffieds
  • Free web sites (see sample of my hotel business blog )

I included a video class, step by step on blogging and more,

Check on all those groups you can set up one for free.­/CarolinaD50

  • Referral earning: Once you have a site, you might get paid to promote that network or just your web.

  • Write and earn:
Sign up in your own and start earning, I very much have fun with this page, get active, post on forums, get friends invited.

my link will build my community and increase my network and earning; your turn is coming


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