Saturday, December 19, 2009
I was born to travel!
Back in my childhood, it was by train, slow trains - there were, then I was able to experience
more advanced ways of traveling and now, too bad - the Concourse is not flying any more -,
I still have to experience something else high speed, supersonic or some kind of a space craft to
complete my flying experience.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Bloging, the purpose of having a blog
I promised to send him an article I wrote about writing (, I touched a little bin on monetizing as well - and bloging and then I run into a message from another business friend and with her permission I am listing here her article.
How to Begin Blogging, Even if You Don't Know Where to Start
Recently, someone asked me a simple question: "How do I begin blogging?" That question reminded me that sometimes, we get so wrapped up in the details of online marketing that those of us who teach it forget to get back to basics. However, many times those basic building blocks are exactly what our audience needs. Blogging is a perfect example of this.There is a ton of information out there on blogging tips, how to publicize your blog, how to make money with your blog, how to link up your blog with social media sites and on and on. But what if you just need the bare essentials so you can just get going? Sometimes those basics end up lost in the sea of information. Here's what you need to know to be on your way. (And yes, you will find others who say there are other ways to do it. But in my own experience and from helping others get started, these few steps will get you set up right.)
1) Pick a blogging platform. This may sound scary if you are an absolute blogging novice, but there are essentially two types of choices: hosted by someone else, or hosted by you (often referred to as self-hosted.) You may have heard of, which is a very easy to use option that is hosted by Google. It may be a good choice in terms of its simplicity, but I recommend going with a self-hosted platform such as Wordpress. This can be downloaded for free at Self-hosted options such as this allow you to have a lot more control over your blog and they give you a lot more flexibility, which you'll want in the long run.
2) Pick a name for your blog. When you are getting started, the only real costs associated with a blog are the domain name and the hosting (which we will address next.) You can get a domain name from a site like GoDaddy for less than $10.00 a year. But first, you need to think about what you will name your blog. A .com extension is always preferred over others such as .net or .info, and your name should be a reflection of what the main focus of your blog is. Also, try to stay away from extra-long domain names, or those with hard-to-spell words if possible.
3) Pick a web host. With a self-hosted blog, you will need a web hosting company to provide server space to access your website from. Usually this service is relatively inexpensive for a smaller site; the average cost is around $60-$100 per year. If you already have a website and just want to add a blog on to it, then you can remain with the host you have been using for that site. In many cases, people who add a blog to their site simply have their web administrator make the blog another page of the website, accessed from your domain--for example, If your blog stands alone and is not connected to another site, you would install the blog software on your domain via any free FTP service you can find online, such as Filezilla.
4) Start writing. Hopefully, at this point you will have taken some time to get pretty clear on what you want to talk about on your blog. Commit to writing your first post, which can be as short as 200 words if you want it to be. The idea is just to get going. Don't worry about getting a bunch of readers or comments, about setting up an RSS feed, submitting your site to directories, or customizing your theme. Those things are important, but can be investigated with time. Continue writing posts on topics that you think will be helpful to your market, and before you know it, the whole blogging thing will be old hat. :)
Christine Gallagher, The Online Marketing and Social Media Success Coach, is founder of Communicate Value, where she is dedicated to teaching small business owners and professionals how to conquer the overwhelming aspects of online and social media marketing to increase business and maximize profits. To get your F.R.E.E. 5-Part E-Course and receive her weekly marketing & success articles on leveraging technology, building relationships and boosting your profits, visit
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Adsense information for starters
Here is some info for starters:
What is Google AdSense?
You'll earn when users visit your website and click on or view the ads on your pages, depending on the type of ad. Learn more about earning with AdSense.
AdSense is free, so we encourage you to give it a try. If you have a website, and you comply with our program policies and eligibility criteria, just complete our online application.
We'll review your application and follow up with an email within about a week, depending on the volume of applications we receive. If you are accepted into the program, you can sign in to your new account and get the HTML code that will display ads on your webpages.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Green ideas for this holiday season
Reading confidently , shopping confidently should be our goal in supporting American small businesses.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
How to apply for a Liquor licence |
How to apply for a Liquor licence |
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
What to consider when creating a profile for your networks |
Happy reading!
What to consider when creating a profile for your networks |
Shared via AddThis
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What's not serving you?
What's not serving you?
By Marcia Francois
Today I have a question for you - what's no longer serving you?
Sometimes we keep on doing things simply because we're in the HABIT of doing them and not because they actually serve us anymore.
I'm not talking about good habits so let me explain.
You go through a really busy period at work and work until 6pm every night. After that, it's become a habit so you continue to do so EVEN THOUGH there's really no need. But it's no longer serving you. You could be enjoying the extra time at home with your family, exercising, taking up a new hobby, etc.
Or you might have a bookshelf full of books you don't like or need to have. It's no longer serving you.
One have 5 sets of bed linen for your guest bedroom. You have guests twice a year and never even get past set 3 on the shelf. That's no longer serving you.
When we first got internet at home years ago, we were happy enough with dial-up. But as my business got increasingly busy, it was definitely NOT serving me ;) I'd spend hours on the computer writing blog posts, newsletters, e-courses, and so on.
finally got my act together and got us fast, wireless internet. Wow - the difference was amazing. I shaved hours off my computer time every week.
- Jot down 3 - 5 things in your life that are no longer serving you. And let them go. They can be anything from kitchen utensils, crockery and table linen to old appliances to bad habits. Anything.
- If you're not sure where to start, I explain in detail in the audio "how to organise any space" that you get with the Organise your home e-course.
Marcia Francois is a time management and organising coach who empowers small business owners and other busy professionals who want to make the most of their time. You'll get simple, practical organising and time management secrets to help you work less and enjoy life more! Visit for your free Organising Success Pack.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The beauty of Wisconsin through a tourist's eyes
This is a very descriptive, detailed trip, lots of pictures.
The beauty of Wisconsin through a tourist's eyes; you be the judge!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Eco-office Gals
Video available here!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My page on
Starting to Blog on this link helps me post updates; refering to the link bellow will
give you access to coupons and more!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The latest in preserving your youth!!
Take advantage of our latest coupon that brings energy to your life and youth!
- Heartland Select Juice
- Infinity2 Essentials for Life
- Infinity2 Essential Fatty Acid
- Infinity2 Children's Complete
This is a complete guide to all you need to know about this remarkable family of products - who needs them as well as descriptions, benefits, usage, and special considerations/contraindications. A powerful sales tool.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Now This is Real Business!
I have a good number of references on my blog for you.
I am finding this is an interesting link and as I am adding to my page link
"Learning in a free class"
* blitzTime - small biz free conference
Save money when you can
"Friends & Family" discount via email!
Here's your link to the upcoming "Friends & Family" invitation and
shopping pass for the event on Sunday, April 19th!
You now have the ability to take advantage of these savings - invite all your friends, family members, and email buddies this URL link offering these exclusive savings in your own
personal email notes!
This email capability is ONLY to be used for your personal correspondence
to individual friends and family members.
DO NOT distribute to groups, organizations, or to any general customer or
prospect lists!$WKB7gY$nANMaIBQo/coupon-0
I hope this is just in time for your spring projects!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Commited to a Healthy Spiritual Living!
Isn't it strange
How a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount
When you donate it to church,
But such a small amount when you go shopping?
Isn't it strange
How 2 hours seem so long when you're at church,
And how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?
Isn't it strange
That you can't find a word to say when you're praying but..
You have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?
Isn't it strange
How difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible
But how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel
Or ZANE GREY book?
Isn't it strange
How everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games
But they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row
In Church?
Isn't it strange
How we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks
Before the day so we can include it in our agenda,
But we can adjust it for other events in the last minute?
Isn't it strange
How difficult it is to learn a fact about God to share it with others;
But how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and repeat gossip?
Isn't it strange
How we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say but...
We question the words in the Bible?
Isn't it strange
How everyone wants a place in heaven but...
They don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?
Isn't it strange
How we send jokes in e-mails and they are forwarded right away but
When we are going to send messages about God,
We think about it twice before we share it with others?
Now that you've read this message, will you forward it to anybody
That you consider a friend, family member.
If you choose not to share His message you may deprive yourself
From being blessed as well as depriving others...
Who may need God in their life
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Economical Answer to Those Chilly Spring Nights
The Economical Answer to Those Chilly Spring Nights
Safehearth is the perfect answer to staying warm at night when the days are getting warm but the nights are still cool. Add to that the benefits of ActivePure Technology, and you and your customers are protected against germs on surfaces* and toasty warm when the weather is unpredictable.
Just when it's beginning to warm up outside, a cold snap always comes. Why pay to heat the whole house when you can target a room with efficient, balanced heat at a fraction of the cost? As the cool winter comes to an end, help your customers save money with Safehearth--the safe, economical solution to a comfortable environment.
Not only does it save on your heating bill, but it can't overheat, making it safe to have around children and pets. It also contains a germ-fighting ActivePure cell. So while it is heating your environment safely, Certified Space Technology is scrubbing the air as it passes through the heater.
US40660B (CA40660B in Canada)
*Published scientific testing with Kansas State University has demonstrated the use of EcoQuest's ActivePure technology to substantially reduce microbial populations on surfaces. No claim with respect to airborne microbials is made based on these results. Field results may vary based on environmental conditions. These results have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not a medical device intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Earth day approaching soon!
I have some friends that once in a while are passing me some interesting info; I though this one was worth sharing.
Earth day is when we all can experience living in "the past" or living with "less".
At my hotel business this year ( I have a special offer for those to choose to stay with us that week and weekend.
Read the linked article, FYI
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring is around the corner and so is the allergy season!
If you have allergic reactions that are episodic, such as a sneezing fit triggered by a friend's cat, take an
See my article on my own story.
Your Eco-Logical home and my allergy story
Happy Spring!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Pledge for Israel! - receive a free book!
be an active participant on this matter, your peace is at stake here.
Sign The Israel Pledge and Receive a Free Book
In January, Israel finally exercised its right to self defense. After thousands of rockets and mortars had been fired into its southern towns and cities from Hamas-run Gaza, the Israeli government finally decided to send troops into Gaza to stop the rocket fire. Most other sovereign nations would have done likewise. And they would have done so much sooner.
The outcry against Israel was immediate. The anti-Israel protests in the Arab world and Europe were massive and loud. Even in the streets of American cities, protesters called for Israel to be “nuked” and Jews to be “gassed.” At the same time, the large majority of American Christians who supported Israel’s right to self defense were too often silent.
The time has come for the new Administration and Congress to hear from American Christians who stand with Israel. The Israel Pledge provides you with the opportunity to express your support for Israel's right to exist and to defend itself from terrorism. Your signature will help send a strong message that American Christians are standing with Israel at this critical juncture.
I am going to Washington, D.C. on March 23 - 24th to hand deliver The Israel Pledge to our newly elected leaders in Washington, D.C. I want your name to be included among those who stand with Israel.
Everyone who signs The Israel Pledge will receive a copy of Israel 101. Israel 101 will provide you with vital information about Israel's history and culture. You will learn about Israel's vibrant people and their outstanding contributions to the world.
Blessings to you and those you love,
Pastor John Hagee
National Chairman
Christians United for Israel
The Israel Pledge
We believe that the Jewish people have
a right to live in their ancient land of Israel,
and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment
of this historic right.
We maintain that there is no excuse for acts of
terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the
same right as every other nation to defend her
citizens from such violent attacks.
We pledge to stand with our brothers and
sisters in Israel and to speak out on their
behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the
attacks stop and they are finally living in
peace and security with their neighbors. that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right.
We maintain that there is no e same right as every other nation to defend her e pledge to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the attacks stop and they are finally living in peace and security with their neighbors.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Cooling off your house and the Earth
if you have installed this file.
I found that anyone can benefit of giving your computer a little brake once in a while;
I am using this and it's even showing me how much or how many trees I saved.
local cooling
It seems to be safe and working fine, FREE download!
Reviews and Download
Carolina D.
Empowering yourself for a GREEN future!
http://www.ecoquest carolinad
more on this item, service
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Christian or Not - Preparing for a New World Order
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill
With our crashing economy, the big question is: what is the future of American currency? As with much of history, we believe the past will help us to understand the future.
Modern masonry claims that the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid is not a Masonic symbol. But what did Freemasons President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Masonic Vice President, Henry Wallace, believe when they attached this symbol to our currency in 1935? Does the all-seeing eye represent the Masonic Christ? Was the eagle originally a phoenix bird? And what do all these occult symbols mean?
Follow the journey of the Secret Mysteries series as we unveil their influence through the 20th century. Many believe that the real purpose of the many "Wars and Rumors of Wars" has been to establish a commonwealth of nations to rule the whole world. With the North American Union on the rise, is America the victim of deception? Or is she THE instrument of Global Government?
Also discussed in this documentary are: the Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati past and present, Theosophical Society, Benjamin Creme and the Maitreya; along with a prediction for how the dollar will be used to establish the New World Order.
Click here for a video preview
DVD Length: 170 Minutes
**********************************************************************************Monday, February 9, 2009
In the last minute, but it's worth! - a FAVOR to a friend!
Emotions can run high during market turbulence, just when reason should prevail. We believe active money management is one of the smartest ways to help investors grow and protect their wealth through the best and worst markets.
Over the past year, the global markets have taken all of us on a wild ride. Defined benefit, 401(k) and IRA plans collectively have lost $3.9 trillion of equity in the year ended October 9, 20081. The Dow Jones Industrial Average had 5 of the worst 10 days in its 112 year history since mid-September.
Simply put, the world's financial system cracked as too much credit was provided to too many people who couldn't afford it. The S&P 500 Index (with dividends) posted the following LOSSES over the past two months and for the year:
S&P 500 Index (with dividends)
September (8/31/08 – 9/30/08) -8.91%
October (9/30/08 – 10/31/08) -16.80%
2 Months 8/31/08 – 10/31/08 -24.21% YTD 1/1/08 – 10/31/08
Nobody could fault you for thinking, “I don't trust the markets anymore.” However, that would be a mistake. While no money manager can predict the future or provide guarantees, our third party active money managers have the experience to help our clients through this crisis.
Why should people trust this system?
History tells us that the financial markets are the engine that generates the funds required to build our schools, bridges and hospitals, as well as providing the capital for all of the amazing technological advancements we've witnessed over the past few decades. While we'd be foolish to ignore the lessons learned from the recent financial meltdown, America's economy is the strongest in the world, with great ability to bounce back.
We are fortunate to have access to one of the world’s most respected active money managers, Paul Dietrich, Foxhall Capital Chairman, CEO and Co-Chief Investment Officer. Foxhall Capital’s goal is to identify long-term persistent trends in the U.S. and Global economic markets to help grow and protect your wealth. It has never been more critical to learn how to put Foxhall Capital’s active money management and wealth preservation focus to work for you.
• Click here to watch Paul Dietrich’s new video How to Manage Your Investments During a Financial Crisis.
• Click here to download the latest Foxhall Global Outlook newsletter for an inside perspective on today’s markets.
In today’s uncertain economic times, active money management is not optional. Now is the time to let Investment Advisors International help you take action for your financial future.
See video and more!
2009 Financial Forecast!
You are invited to attend!
One John Nolen Drive
Madison WI 53703
RSVP to Diane Larson at 608-279-7066 or by mail at
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Start a new YEAR - Organized and with Discipline in mind
DISCIPLINE is a critical every day task you have to stay focused on!
It's discipline with your
- TIME - organizing your work day !
- GOAL SETTING - you aim for productive working hours
- STAYING FOCUSED - keep looking at that target you have in mind or rather better build a Vision board, post it in your office;
- see this wonderful blog my friend wrote on this: Vision Board for 2009 goals and focus
- FINANCES: limit your spending to what you NEED not, all you WANT
- Powerful Debt Reduction Strategy
- PLANNING: have a plan for your business; with the economic time changing so drastically, you got to have a secondary plan to make your business successfully reach its objectives.
- Victory is a step away - you can achieve it with the wright approach!
Friday, January 16, 2009
More on - The Secret to Finally Paying Debt Quickly
If you’ve struggled with debt for any amount of time, you know how it can feel like you’re in a big black hole, you just can’t seem to dig yourself out of. Balances never seem to go down and you need to keep tapping into credit cards just to make ends meet.
There is plenty of debt advice out there and you may have tried things like debt consolidation, making large payments to your debts to try to pay them faster and other methods that just don’t seem to work. Things just keep getting more and more difficult to manage.
But it really doesn’t have to be that way…
If you’ve been able to keep up with your minimum monthly payments until now, there is a solution for you. And it’s remarkably simple if you follow the appropriate steps laid out for you.
I’m talking about the “Pay Debt Quickly Kit” that shows you how to:
- Pay debt off faster without having to make any large payments.
- Get what you want from your creditors to pay off your debt faster and even improve your credit score.
- Make drastic changes in the way you think about and handle money without feeling like you’re deprived in any way.
The kit includes everything you need to get to debt-free faster. From software that helps you quickly and easily calculate your precise debt-free dates to strategies to take control of your finances and even work with your creditors so that you benefit, instead of them – this kit has what you need to eliminate your debt.
Learn more & get debt-free at:
Everything is available for instant download and you don’t have to wait for anything to come in the mail. That means you can start sleeping better and stop worrying about your debt, starting RIGHT NOW.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tax Planning- It's never to Early to talk About
Even so it's never to early to talk about taxes, tax planning and saving strategies.
Get an account to help you with your small business tax, it's worth to get one at least for the first year or 2. Read more in this article.
Check this out, it might help you to prepare for tax season!
Tax Planning- It's never to Early to talk About
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Free yourself of your DEBT Rather SOONER then LATER
I find it amazing on how much I learned lately from my networking group;
I like to share some of the strategies I learned from them and see results with.
A few days ago, I wrote about the Pay Debt Quickly Kit - that includes the tools and teaches you the strategies you
need to become debt free faster than you may have imagined.
Still struggling with that debt? This is a question you might hear it again and again, and it could be rather annoying!
Right now, one may feel like there is no way out of the situation they are in, but if you shift focus on what can do about it then getting overwhelmed,you'll find there is a solution out there for any situation.
Start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, detach yourself of the problem and start following professional advise.
The good news is, you can start seeing that light today and the tunnel is not nearly as long as you might have thought.
Just take a few moments to learn about the program. All the details are presented in this link:
The system allows users to pay their debts of quickly without having to:
Make any large payments to the debt.
Get a second job.
Make any big lifestyle changes.
All that is required is that people using the system are able to meet their minimum monthly payments.
The system allows users to save tens of thousands of dollars and pay their debts of years faster.
By using the software, they can calculate the precise date each bill will be paid of and when they will be debt-free.
No financial expertise or training is required to make the system work.
Products are always refundable and if you don't think you learn from it contact the admin of the company.
I love any piece of information that is saving me money or teaching me strategies to improve my financial situation.
Monday, January 12, 2009
News For Picasa Users
Picasa news
I hope this helps a few of my friends out there!
Learning to finance a startup Business
No matter how great and unique your idea for a new business is, or what business are you buying or taking over, you won't get past the starting gate without funding. There are many ways to find money, but most are generally more appropriate for most established companies. Still, there are some smart tacks for start ups; there's money out there if you get creative. Here's a look at some options:
1. Bootstrapping. - the translation for"Bootstrapping" is - using whatever resources you have on hand to help you get your business to the next level.
Entrepreneurs spend an average of close to $70,000 - $75,000 to start a business, and most of that money is provided by the small-business owners themselves. I am talking about my own experience here
Where do entrepreneurs find the money? While most part comes from personal savings and home-equity loans, they also tend to use (plastic), Credit Cards heavily. Possibly, half of all start ups are funded by the owners' credit cards. Also, if you dare, get into your pension plan, I did!
2. Raise money from relatives - Friends and family come handy. At the very early stages of any start up, entrepreneurs also tend to raise money from relatives, colleagues and other people they know well.
Usually, friends family financing is informal; you probably don't have to write a business plan for the transaction. But, no matter how well you know your early investors, it would be wise to draw up a contract to prevent any misunderstandings down the road.
3. Borrow from Banks. For most start ups, getting a traditional bank loan is a long shot, especially in today's economy. That's because banks typically will only consider companies that have been in business for two years, at least. I don't have to go on about my personal story, we were turned down by some exactly for the reason I am going to mention in a minute here. Above all, they need to see a tangible asset that can be used as collateral. The bank is going to loan money based on your ability to pay out, and they're more likely to finance something that has greater value and a history of great performance.
4. Also try SBA - Small Business Association. One possibility is to apply for a loan guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). A bank is less reluctant to take on a company with an SBA guaranty. Even with that seal of approval, you may still have to pledge your home/personal property as collateral.
5. Look for Grants you might qualify for. There are tons of information on the web, just be very selective who you start working with. You can order one of those kits and try yourself or you can find someone that write grands as a profession and help you with the application. If your venture is a technology business, you might be able to apply for a Small Business Innovation Research grant (SBIR).
That is a federally funded program mandating that certain agencies set aside part of their budgets to fund fledgling high-tech companies with interesting inventions they want to commercialize.
There also are a limited number of government grants for women and minority-owned businesses as well. One really good thing is: Competition for this money is steep. So, if you apply for the grant and win it, it's helpful for attracting funding from other investors.
6. Use Venture capital. Simply put, Venture Capitals rarely invest in start ups or even early-stage companies. Still, if your company already has a track record and promises high returns, it's worth a shot.
Learn about the service as it involves some sensitive issues. Your best bet is to use your network to find a referral. Then, make sure you have an great business plan put together. You also have to be willing to give up control over major decisions and/or to sell your business at one point in time.
7. Find "Angels". If you're further along in your development - you have a management team and, preferably, a product or service on the market that's of a high interest - you can try angels. They're private, high net-worth individuals who generally invest anywhere from $50,000 to $2 million in companies.
Who are they? most likely former entrepreneurs themselves, angels can offer not only money, they also can provide expertise and useful contacts.
How to find them? One avenue is to approach the growing number of angel clubs. These groups of private investors meet regularly to hear brief presentations from entrepreneurs seeking money and then, often, give money jointly to companies. to find them see link on this article!)
It's always important to do some research and document yourself on your options, your opportunity and use those professionals to get help from. Get expert tips, links on...
* Accounting and finance
* Entrepreneurial women, minorities, kids, more
* Global business
* Government regulations
* Green business
* Hiring and managing
* Legal issues
* Marketing
* Raising money
* Real estate
* Start up
* Technology
When it comes to Credit Cards, tread carefully. If you use them up to the maximum and create a huge debt and damage your credit rating, once your credit is shaky, it'll be hard to get further funding.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Watch for the "for immediate press Release" source
First Experience
I received some "For Immediate Press Release" e-mail not long ago, for my own business, the historic inn.
I looked it through, i read it again and again and, at the end they were asking for some money for the Plaque to be printed and shipped to us. But $70 bucks is $70 bucks and I then started investigating how legit the e-mail was;
- I called them, and as a result they e-mailed me back saying all communication should be in writing, OK
- I confronted them, saying that now one knows about them, not BBB, not my Association which is WIA -stands for WI Innkeeper Association, and so on
- I have seen a post about the award on other businesses blogs on (which is free for anyone) that might make you think: WOW, this is a nation wide recognition award, you should be "somebody"!
What I'm saying is even they looked legit, when, I think you should investigate a little further with some official sources, even if they asked you for money or not, but since they are not in your state, which was the case with me, it's worth the time.
Here is the co. info
Sincerely, Ashley Carter Selection Committee Chair U.S. Local Business Association p.s. If the links are not working in this email please copy and paste the following URLs into your browser: Award Order Form: Press Release:
Their web loo
ks like anyone can put that page together and more like they are in the framing business.
Second experience
My second experience with that was again, still about the hotel and I could verify the source, they posted all their link, phone number, address and all that, they were so more upfront and coming forward with who they are.
BY the WAY - they NEVER ASKED FOR money, rather they gave me a few links where I can post the Press Release for FREE.
It was free to participate and subscribe too.
Here is part of their message:
"Please give this Press Release to your PR Department for publishing. If you don't have a PR Department, you may use the following resources to get your Press Release exposure:
- local newspaper editors
- local business journal editors
- local radio stations
- local TV stations
- local lifestyle magazines
- post it to your web site's "Press" or "News" page
For maximum benefit, you also should publish your release at press release websites. When you do this, it will be picked up by regional, state,
and national publications and may even lead to feature stories and special interest articles written about your property. Best of all . . . many of these online Press Release Sites are FREE! Included in this email at the bottom of the page is a list of online Press Release Sites."
They sounded really excited for me!
The latest in eliminating debt!
The Secret to Finally Paying Debt Quickly
If you’ve struggled with debt for any amount of time, you know how it can feel like you’re in a big black hole, you just can’t seem to dig yourself out of. Balances never seem to go down and you need to keep tapping into credit cards just to make ends meet.
There is plenty of debt advice out there and you may have tried things like debt consolidation, making large payments to your debts to try to pay them faster and other methods that just don’t seem to work. Things just keep getting more and more difficult to manage.
But it really doesn’t have to be that way…
If you’ve been able to keep up with your minimum monthly payments until now, there is a solution for you. And it’s remarkably simple if you follow the appropriate steps laid out for you.
I’m talking about the “Pay Debt Quickly Kit” that shows you how to:
- Pay debt off faster without having to make any large payments.
- Get what you want from your creditors to pay off your debt faster and even improve your credit score.
- Make drastic changes in the way you think about and handle money without feeling like you’re deprived in any way.
The kit includes everything you need to get to debt-free faster. From software that helps you quickly and easily calculate your precise debt-free dates to strategies to take control of your finances and even work with your creditors so that you benefit, instead of them – this kit has what you need to eliminate your debt.
Learn more & get debt-free at:
Everything is available for instant download and you don’t have to wait for anything to come in the mail. That means you can start sleeping better and stop worrying about your debt, starting RIGHT NOW.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My experience on the web
It seems like I had a slow ride to discovering making money on the net.
Initially I got into the manual traffic exchange, I was having time then, - IT'S FREE to sign up but you have to have the time OR - if you don't have the time and have the money,...then you can buy credits, impression and all that.
Then, I learned the blogging, I am working on my own web page to design for my motel business,
I am having so much fun with all this, believe me!
I also learned to use the net to monetize.
- The 1st step was to set up a PayPal account - I find it easy to use, there might be other alternatives out there, and really, - whatever works for you, as long as is SAFE
- Second, is to set up with the advertisers and get a publisher ID. It is easier to do it with some the some others and just take your time. -Most popular are AdSense ( with Google), Amazon, EBay, Kontera. To sign up is free of charge.
- Here are some links:
- Main page
My public profile page
On this one you collect just for writing articles, you have little control to what your articles make.
This one, I want you to sign on my link, like this you will be on my network and as I build that I can collect on my network line:
The latest I know about is writing your articles and getting an affiliate number with different advertisers, listed on their page
My page:
Join my fan club
My profile log in is ccdursina
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The latest on Yahoo groups
Yahoo is tracking group members
Just got this from another YahooGroup owner and thought I would pass along the information:
Yahoo is Tracking Group Members
If you belong to ANY Yahoo Groups - be aware that Yahoo is now using "Web Beacons" to track every Yahoo Group user . It's similar to cookies, but allows Yahoo to record every website and every group you visit, even when you're not connected to Yahoo .
Look at their updated privacy statement at
About half-way down the page, in the section on cookies, you will see a link that says WEB BEACONS . Click on the phrase "Web Beacons . " On the page that opens, on the left find a box entitled "Opt-Out . " . In that section find "opt-out of interest-matched advertising" link that will let you "opt-out" of their snooping . Click it and then click the opt-out button on the next page . Note that Yahoo's invasion of your privacy - and your ability to opt-out of it - is not user-specific . It is MACHINE specific . That means you will have to opt-out on every computer (and browser) you use . Please forward this to your other groups . You might complain, too, but I'm not sure if anyone is listening . I remember when they signed all users up to get spam and we had to opt out of that a few years ago .
Please send this to anyone or any group you would like .
Everything you want the Smart, Green (Paperless) Way
I hear so many times people asking "What to Blog about?"
You can blog about anything, your life, your class, your pets, your latest travel experience, and moreover, when you have a business, you can share lots of good things about the business, special promotions, extras; Free advise, or a Free tele-class you want to offer.
Here are some tips for; see what community is suitable for you, your business or the purpose you want to market certain products.
Free advertising
- Clasiffieds
- Free web sites )
I included a video class, step by step on blogging and more,
Check on all those groups you can set up one for free.
- Referral earning: Once you have a site, you might get paid to promote that network or just your web.
- Write and earn:
my link will build my community and increase my network and earning; your turn is coming
Amazing - Amazon
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A funeral home copes with the surge during the coronavirus pandemic - During normal times, Joe Ruggiero Jr. might hold 25 funerals a month; this April there have been 71. Due to a surge in COVID-19 cases, his family’s funeral...4 years ago