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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guest writer - 7 secrets of the Super Organised By Marcia Francois

7 secrets of the Super Organised
By Marcia Francois

We all know people that seem to be Super Organised. They never forget birthdays, can find an email within seconds and know exactly where to find anything in their homes.
The actual definition of organised is being able to find anything within a minute or two. These are items in your home to an email, document or photo on your computer.
Shhhh - I have a confession. Some people say this about me too ;) so I'm going to let you in on some of my own secrets and also those I've observed from watching fellow Born Organised people.
Super organised people:
1. Plan their lives
Set aside time every weekend to plan your activities, events and meals for the week ahead. Before you finish up your work for the day, take 5 minutes to quickly plan your main priority tasks for the next day.
2. Have a place for everything and everything in its place
Everything in your house should have a specific home. The goal should be that if anyone asks, "where do I find the _____?" you should be able to tell them immediately. I'm talking about paper too!
3. Have effective systems, and are willing to change systems if necessary
A system tells you what to do when something happens. For instance, as you run low or finish foods, they immediately go on your shopping list. That's a system. The morning and evening routines we work as part of the Organise your Time system are perfect examples of effective systems.
4. Write things down
My pastor always says, "a blunt pencil is better than a sharp mind." The truth is when you write things down, it clears your mind so you can focus on more productive and creative endeavors.
5. Declutter regularly
Make time to go through your clothes and other possessions and then get rid of anything you don't love or use regularly. Make a regular date to also declutter your documents and emails.
The Organise your Home system is an easy-to-use plan to declutter and organise your entire home in just 12 weeks. Read more here
6. Put things away
If you take just a few minutes to put things back where they belong (see number 2) every day, you always have a home that's comfortable and ready for company. In the office, take two extra seconds to file or delete an email immediately.
7. Do regular maintenance
Preserve your organising systems by doing a quick touch-up when you see things start to go awry. It's like touching up your roots every 6 weeks ;) Don't wait and let it get so bad that you have to totally overhaul your system.
Start building just ONE of these secrets into your daily routine every week until you create a habit and you too will be Super Organised ;)
Want to use this article in your ezine or on your blog? You may, as long as you include this complete blurb.
Marcia Francois is a time management coach and speaker who inspires busy women to break out of overwhelm, make the most of their time and take purposeful and focussed action so they have the time and freedom to live life to the full. Visit  for your free Time Management Purpose Pack.
If you'd like to schedule a f.ree 15-min session with me to start you on the organising journey, email me on I'd love to chat.
Love and time freedom
Marcia Francois
Time management coach and speaker

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

12 Most Important Safety Tips on Mowing Loan or Cutting Grass

With summer in full session, grass is growing faster when more rain takes place, be aware of mowing and cutting grass tips. Enjoy reading this article!
12 Most Important Safety Tips on Mowing Loan or Cutting Grass

Monday, June 6, 2011

How to Prepare Your Property for Sale

In order to have a successful sale and excellent showings or viewing for the property you should address maintenance and a clutter free house
How to Prepare Your Property for Sale

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Combining a green living with a healthy approach

Conference Calls 

(unless otherwise specified) 
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In conjunction with Guaranteed Minimum Income, Vollara’s conference call schedule is going to a 4 week cycle. 

Every Tuesday night at 8:00 PM ET your Vollara Home Office will bring you an awesome conference call! Each of the four Tuesdays in the GMI schedule features a different topic: 
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1st Tuesday of the 4 week GMI schedule:Vollara Executive Update with Joe Urso 
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2nd Tuesday of the 4 week GMI schedule:Vollara LivingWater call with Dr. Richard G. Urso
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3rd Tuesday of the 4 week GMI schedule:Vollara Green Technology call 
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4th Tuesday of the 4 week GMI schedule:Vollara Nutrition call with Dr. Richard G. Urso 
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Every Tuesday at 9:00pm ET 
Hosted by Glenn Green & Robin Powell 
Simulcast on 
Learn how to use the Vollara Story DVD-Movie direct from the producer of the DVD-Movie 
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Every Tuesday at 10:00pm ET 
Hosted by Glenn Green & Robin Powell 
Simulcast on 
This is a general opportunity call led by successful Field Leader Glenn Green. You can feel confident to share this call information with all of your prospects! 
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All conference call recordings can be found in your My Vollara Back Office website. 

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dare to TAkE Charge of your Weight!

New Year resolution! Take a look at yours, there is always a challenge in your way and  you end up Giving up your resolution, so set up goals VS resolution; make it achievable, make it fun

Take the VOLLARA Weight  Loss Challenge!  The challenge Starts on Monday Jan 31st  - this is a 4 step process easy to attain.

Join us from any place you are!

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