"Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves." Most of you have heard that phrase before. Did you ever stop to think about what it really means? What are the little things? What are the big things? And, how do the big things take care of themselves?
As a business owner you need to focus on the "little things", the aspects of your business and life that you directly control. You have control over how you plan your day. You have control over your schedule, your presentation, your drive and your effort. You have control as you are preparing the way you present yourself. You have control over your attitude, your spirit, your passion, and your knowledge.
The bigger things are not in your direct control. Don't concern yourself with the competitors or their products. You can't control other people’s schedules or the events in their lives. Don't focus on these aspects. The bigger things will take care of themselves.
If you focus on the bigger things – other people's schedules, competitors, or how much money you will make IF several factors happen, then your individual effort will suffer. Opportunities will be missed, sales will be lost, discouragement will happen. Keep your mind and body focused on only the items that you can control. When you execute the little things to perfection, then the results will take care of themselves! Success will happen. It will happen because you have done your part and you've maximized your skill, knowledge and drive using things within your control.
Copyright © 2010 Vollara LLC. All rights reserved.
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