Monday, March 30, 2009
Commited to a Healthy Spiritual Living!
Isn't it strange
How a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount
When you donate it to church,
But such a small amount when you go shopping?
Isn't it strange
How 2 hours seem so long when you're at church,
And how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?
Isn't it strange
That you can't find a word to say when you're praying but..
You have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?
Isn't it strange
How difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible
But how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel
Or ZANE GREY book?
Isn't it strange
How everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games
But they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row
In Church?
Isn't it strange
How we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks
Before the day so we can include it in our agenda,
But we can adjust it for other events in the last minute?
Isn't it strange
How difficult it is to learn a fact about God to share it with others;
But how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and repeat gossip?
Isn't it strange
How we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say but...
We question the words in the Bible?
Isn't it strange
How everyone wants a place in heaven but...
They don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?
Isn't it strange
How we send jokes in e-mails and they are forwarded right away but
When we are going to send messages about God,
We think about it twice before we share it with others?
Now that you've read this message, will you forward it to anybody
That you consider a friend, family member.
If you choose not to share His message you may deprive yourself
From being blessed as well as depriving others...
Who may need God in their life
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Economical Answer to Those Chilly Spring Nights
The Economical Answer to Those Chilly Spring Nights
Safehearth is the perfect answer to staying warm at night when the days are getting warm but the nights are still cool. Add to that the benefits of ActivePure Technology, and you and your customers are protected against germs on surfaces* and toasty warm when the weather is unpredictable.
Just when it's beginning to warm up outside, a cold snap always comes. Why pay to heat the whole house when you can target a room with efficient, balanced heat at a fraction of the cost? As the cool winter comes to an end, help your customers save money with Safehearth--the safe, economical solution to a comfortable environment.
Not only does it save on your heating bill, but it can't overheat, making it safe to have around children and pets. It also contains a germ-fighting ActivePure cell. So while it is heating your environment safely, Certified Space Technology is scrubbing the air as it passes through the heater.
US40660B (CA40660B in Canada)
*Published scientific testing with Kansas State University has demonstrated the use of EcoQuest's ActivePure technology to substantially reduce microbial populations on surfaces. No claim with respect to airborne microbials is made based on these results. Field results may vary based on environmental conditions. These results have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not a medical device intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Earth day approaching soon!
I have some friends that once in a while are passing me some interesting info; I though this one was worth sharing.
Earth day is when we all can experience living in "the past" or living with "less".
At my hotel business this year ( I have a special offer for those to choose to stay with us that week and weekend.
Read the linked article, FYI
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring is around the corner and so is the allergy season!
If you have allergic reactions that are episodic, such as a sneezing fit triggered by a friend's cat, take an

See my article on my own story.
Your Eco-Logical home and my allergy story
Happy Spring!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Pledge for Israel! - receive a free book!
be an active participant on this matter, your peace is at stake here.
Sign The Israel Pledge and Receive a Free Book
In January, Israel finally exercised its right to self defense. After thousands of rockets and mortars had been fired into its southern towns and cities from Hamas-run Gaza, the Israeli government finally decided to send troops into Gaza to stop the rocket fire. Most other sovereign nations would have done likewise. And they would have done so much sooner.
The outcry against Israel was immediate. The anti-Israel protests in the Arab world and Europe were massive and loud. Even in the streets of American cities, protesters called for Israel to be “nuked” and Jews to be “gassed.” At the same time, the large majority of American Christians who supported Israel’s right to self defense were too often silent.
The time has come for the new Administration and Congress to hear from American Christians who stand with Israel. The Israel Pledge provides you with the opportunity to express your support for Israel's right to exist and to defend itself from terrorism. Your signature will help send a strong message that American Christians are standing with Israel at this critical juncture.
I am going to Washington, D.C. on March 23 - 24th to hand deliver The Israel Pledge to our newly elected leaders in Washington, D.C. I want your name to be included among those who stand with Israel.
Everyone who signs The Israel Pledge will receive a copy of Israel 101. Israel 101 will provide you with vital information about Israel's history and culture. You will learn about Israel's vibrant people and their outstanding contributions to the world.
Blessings to you and those you love,
Pastor John Hagee
National Chairman
Christians United for Israel
The Israel Pledge
We believe that the Jewish people have
a right to live in their ancient land of Israel,
and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment
of this historic right.
We maintain that there is no excuse for acts of
terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the
same right as every other nation to defend her
citizens from such violent attacks.
We pledge to stand with our brothers and
sisters in Israel and to speak out on their
behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the
attacks stop and they are finally living in
peace and security with their neighbors. that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right.
We maintain that there is no e same right as every other nation to defend her e pledge to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the attacks stop and they are finally living in peace and security with their neighbors.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Cooling off your house and the Earth
if you have installed this file.
I found that anyone can benefit of giving your computer a little brake once in a while;
I am using this and it's even showing me how much or how many trees I saved.
local cooling
It seems to be safe and working fine, FREE download!
Reviews and Download
Carolina D.
Empowering yourself for a GREEN future!
http://www.ecoquest carolinad
more on this item, service
Amazing - Amazon
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A funeral home copes with the surge during the coronavirus pandemic - During normal times, Joe Ruggiero Jr. might hold 25 funerals a month; this April there have been 71. Due to a surge in COVID-19 cases, his family’s funeral...4 years ago